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Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 updates bring major improvements

While speculation continues over the release of the
Surface Pro 5, Microsoft has been repairing some problems associated with the touchscreen and performance of its Surface Pen on its current range of Surface devices.

The latest firmware updates have improved the screen responsiveness for the Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 and made the pen far more smooth.

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It’s been a tricky nine months for the Surface line-up as Microsoft has had to roll out a series of updates bettering overall performance to meet the demand of the high price tag on their tablet-meets-laptop range.

Even though the Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 scored well in our reviews, issues have included problems with the display, battery life, and standby mode.

Related: Microsoft Surface Book review

Reddit users using the Microsoft Surface page have made positive comments on the update, with many noticing a sizeable difference with less lag and easier scrolling on Chrome.

Hopefully this news will relieve some of the pressure ahead of the release of the Pro 5 which is rumoured to feature a 4K screen and Intel’s new Kaby Lake processor.

Related: Microsoft Surface Pro 4 review

Once the new firmware has been installed and system rebooted, users should also notice better audio in addition to the improvements above.

To install the update, go to the Settings in the Windows Start Menu then go to Updates and Security.

Watch: iPad Pro vs Surface Pro 4: Which is best for you?

Has this update worked for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below

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