5 things you need to know about The Division
What do you need to know about Tom Clancy’s The Division?
Meet The Division, a brand new IP from Ubisoft landing on PS4, Xbox One and PC on March 8.
Here are the five things you need to know about this open-world shooter:
1. One of the most beautiful open world games
We’ve been blessed with a lot of good-looking open world games over the past couple of years. Just look at The Witcher 3 or MGS 5. But The Division just takes it to the next level.
Its portrayal of mid-crisis New York in all its winter glory is impressive. There are no copy and paste street corners here. It’s Manhattan in every way possible.
2. Totally seamless multiplayer
When you say persistent online multiplayer, nowadays your mind immediately leaps to Destiny.
Well, the Division takes what Destiny does and takes it to the next level. You can play co-op with up to three mates at any time, but if you want to go PVP just head into the Dead Zone in the centre of the city. It’s here that you can meet other teams of players, turn rogue or just try and earn yourself some rare loot.
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3. Strong RPG elements
The Division blends its open-world structure with a tonne of RPG elements. We’re talking character abilities and customisation, gun mods, talents, weapon talents and more. Plus, there are various levels of weapon rarity, with more gun-related skills opening up the higher up you get.
It’s a lot to take in, and it’s a very busy HUD. But there’s plenty here to please the RPG fans.
4. More story content than Destiny and Titanfall
The one thing that really let Titanfall and Destiny down was the lack of single-player campaign. Well, rest assured The Division has got you covered there and your buddies can drop in to help you out whenever you fancy.
After all, you might need some help bringing New York back from the brink following that Black Friday pandemic.
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5. No loading screens whatsoever
And what’s more, The Division does all this with not a loading screen in sight. Once you’ve loaded up your save and dived back in, you can play multiplayer, undertake missions or fast travel to unlocked locations without having to enter a lobby or watch a single loading screen.
Yeah, you hear that Fallout 4. Never again will we have to watch a loading screen to open a door.