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Report: Galaxy S5 and Note 4 to get Android L by December

Reports suggest Samsung Galaxy S5 and prospective Galaxy Note 4 owners will get Android L before Christmas.

Citing well-placed insiders, notorious Samsung tipsters SamMobile report that Samsung’s two new flagship phones will get the update by late November or early December.

Android L 5.0 is one of the biggest Android updates in a long time. It introduces, among many things, a new look dubbed ‘Material’. It’s a brighter, more friendly look that uses multiple interface layers to good effect.

Android L also introduces several new notifications features, new lockscreen notifications and a greater variety of ways notifications are displayed throughout the OS.

Another key addition is support for 64-bit processors, which will end Apple’s exclusivity on this feature, and it also adds support for the new Bluetooth 4.1 standard.

Speaking Google I/O earlier this year, Senior VP for Android and Apps, Sundar Pichai, said: “This is one of the most compressive releases we’ve done, it has about 5,000 new APIs and we are thinking about L release not only for mobile, but for form factors beyond mobile.

“We wanted to take a radical new approach to design. We wanted Android to have a fresh, bold design.”

Next, read our Android 4.4 tips, tricks and secrets guide

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