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Monument Valley Ida’s RED Dream levels not coming to Android

ustwo Games has confirmed Monument Valley Ida’s RED Dream levels will not be released for Android gamers.

Monument Valley’s last ever levels were released as a special download for the App Store’s RED campaign, helping to fight AIDS.

Now, much to the annoyance of Android fans of Monument Valley, developer ustwo games has revealed there are no plans to bring the closing levels to Android.

“Ida’s (RED) Dream was specially created for RED in partnership with App Store to fight AIDS. Therefore there are no Android plans right now,” said @ustwogames on Twitter.

Despite the fact there are more Android users than iOS, the developer has found more gamers are playing Monument Valley on iOS and has therefore decided to focus on the Apple mobile platform.

“It’s hard for us to prioritise Android when there’s nine times more iOS players. We seek parity but often it’s difficult.”

The main reason for offering the level through the App Store is that Apple’s storefront allows ustwo to donate all money raised to charity.

“Unfortunately there’s no way to offer content for charity through Google Play,” added Daniel Gray, Executive Producer for Monument Valley at ustwo on Twitter.

The EP Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores was released on iOS at first, but arrived on the Amazon App Store on November 20, with a wider Android released on November 24.

Read more: Best iPhone games 2014

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