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Infection is returning to Halo 5

343 Industries has confirmed that the fan-favourite mode will be added in the upcoming ‘Memories of Reach’ update.

Previously featured in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, Infection has players trying to stay alive as long as possible against infected enemies.

If you die, you’re infected, joining the neverending army of zombies roaming the match. It’s silly, fast-paced fun, and a perfect fit for Halo 5: Guardians.

Related: Xbox One Review

Since its release, 343 Industries has added a number of new modes and features to Halo 5, including the classic Grifball and Warzone Firefight, a unique twist on the iconic horde mode.

Check out the infectious new trailer below:

Infection and the aforementioned Warzone Firefight will be available later in 2016 as free updates.

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