Battleborn launch trailer shows off deadly heroes and combat

2K has released a new trailer for Battleborn, the upcoming shooter by Gearbox Software.
The action-packed trailer showcases the game’s many heroes, as well as some of the playable maps and modes.
Battleborn is a team-based shooter that takes much of its inspiration from the MOBA genre, much like Overwatch.
Players can choose from a total of 25 unique characters, with an extra five to be added following the game’s launch next week.
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The Battleborn open beta took place earlier this month, attracting a total of 2 million players across all platforms.
Battleborn is the latest project by Gearbox Software, the developer behind Borderlands, Aliens: Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever.
It is scheduled to launch on May 3 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Will you be picking it up? Let us know in the comments.