Volume: Coda coming to Playstation VR in 2016

Volume: Coda is coming to Playstation VR in 2016 as a free expansion to Mike Bithell’s stealth title.
Are you ready to sneak around in virtual reality? Mike Bithell sure is.
The indie developer announced yesterday that Volume: Coda will be released next year alongside the launch of Playstation VR.
Volume: Coda will be a free expansion to Volume that will include 30 new levels, additional story and a cool new VR setting.
Coda will take place after the events of the original game, putting you in control of “The Troubleshooter”, an individual brought in by the villains “hurt most by Locksley’s revolution.”
Related: Volume Review
If you already own Volume, Coda will be available as a free expansion on release, and players will able to play this and the game’s main campaign with Playstation VR.
We aren’t exactly sure how Volume plans to utilise virtual reality, but it certainly makes for an interesting launch title for Sony’s device.
Volume also received a patch on Playstation 4 yesterday that introduces new leaderboards which prioritise stealth over speed.
The PS Vita version of Volume is yet to be released, but we can expect it before the end of 2015. Volume will support cross-buy for PS4 and PS Vita.
Mike Bithell is known for titles such as Volume and Thomas Was Alone, both of which are worth checking out.
Volume is currently 30% off on the Playstation Store until November 4.