Trusted Reviews team restructures for an exciting future

Trusted Reviews has restructured, appointing a new editor, and starting work on a new set of test labs!
The new team structure will see Alastair Stevenson take the lead as the site’s editor. He can be contacted at and found tweeting from @monkeyguru.
Former managing editor Max Parker will step up to fill his shoes as deputy editor and mobile editor. Make sure to get in touch for anything mobile, tablet and wearable related at You’ll find him tweeting at @parkermax.
Veteran tech journalist Dave Ludlow will continue acting as Homes editor and can be contacted at Also make sure to follow him on Twitter at @daveludlow.
If you have some juicy news or review samples relating to TV and audio then Kob Monney’s the man you want to talk to. You can contact him at and find him tweeting from @kob_monney.
Ryan Jones will continue taking lead on all things computing and can be contacted at and tweeting at @RyanAJ13.
For all things gaming make sure to drop Jade King a line on and follow her on Twitter at @KonaYMA6.
Hannah Davies will continue as staff writer working across all the site’s sections. You can contact her at
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If you have a video pitch get in touch with Tom Farthing at For a backstage look at TR’s video production make sure to follow him on Twitter at @ImTomFarthing.
Thomas Deehan will continue as commercial editor. If you have a red-hot deal you want written about, get in touch with him at You can also find him on Twitter at @tomdeehan_.
Former computing writer Adam Speight will also be taking a new role acting as reviews and evergreen writer for Trusted Reviews. Make sure to get in touch with him at and follow him on Twitter at @_adamspeight.
As always, Chris Smith will continue operating as the site’s US correspondent. You can find him tweeting at @ByChrisSmith.
All things commercial are being headed by Chris Walsh. So if you have any questions about advertising, branding, badge sales or social then make sure to get in touch with him at
The new team structure isn’t the only change happening at Trusted Reviews. The site’s also setting up a new office and test labs. Make sure to follow us on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for further news and all the latest and greatest tech reviews.