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Sorry, Ubisoft isn’t working on another Splinter Cell game

Fans have been begging for a new entry in Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell franchise since the well-received Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Ubisoft has steered clear of it so far, until a new tweet from The Division 2’s creative director Julian Gerighty which suggests he’s working on a new iteration in the series.

Except, Ubisoft has said it was a joke post and there’s almost definitely not a Splinter Cell game coming at E3.

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I know, I’m sad about it too.

Gerighty, currently working with Massive on The Division 2, also named two other senior Ubisoft bods in his tweet, both of whom retweeted his comments.

However, it seemed like an unlikely way for Ubisoft to break cover on an announcement people have been clamouring for for so long, especially with E3 less than a month away.

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We chatted to several sources close to the matter this morning who confirmed that the tweet was exactly as it appears: a joke that has been lost on the legions of fans eager for the latest adventure in the world of aging super-spy Sam Fisher.

They’re fair to be upset. Splinter Cell: Blacklist was a quality game filled with strong ideas, after which the franchise just vanished into the darkness. The series multiplayer Mercs versus Spies mode was a clear inspiration on what became the asymmetrical shooter

Of course, this could be Ubisoft’s subtle way of canvassing interest for a new Splinter Cell game, I eagerly hope they see the excitement from the tweet and get to work. Best case scenario, it’s all an elaborate double bluff, and we’ll actually see Fisher’s trademark goggles as he runs off on another terrorist-choking adventure.

A man can dream, right?

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