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Overwatch new hero Ana revealed

*UPDATE* Ana is now available to download on PS4. Sony confirmed the news via Twitter:

*Original story follows*

Blizzard has unveiled the first new playable hero to come to Overwatch post-launch: Ana.

Ana is a support character, equipped with a long-range biotic rifle capable of firing darts which can heal her teammates or deal damage to enemies. She also has a biotic grenade which can simultaneously damage enemies and heal allies within a small radius. Allies boosted by her grenade will also receive a temporary boost to all healing effects.

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Ana’s side arm also comes equipped with sleeping darts capable of knocking her enemies unconscious to provide you with those vital few seconds of respite to plan an escape of even get  few shots in of your own.


Ana’s ultimate ability is called Nano Boost, transforming all of her teammates into super soldiers, giving them faster movement, increased damage and improved resistance to enemy attacks.

Ana will be playable from today on PC, with details to follow soon regarding her arrival to the console versions.

For those still getting to grips with Overwatch’s current roster of heroes, check out our Overwatch character guide.

Once you’ve had a chance to play as Ana, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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