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Halo 5 requires “up to 60GB of hard drive space” according to leaked copies

The install size of Halo 5: Guardians has been confirmed as early retail copies to surface.

Halo 5: Guardians only went gold last week, but sneaky players are already getting their hands on the game.

Images uploaded to Imgur give us a detailed look at the game’s box art, revealing that “up to 60GB” of hard drive space will be needed to install and play the game.

The leaked images suggest early copies of the game could have come from a retailer or warehouse preparing to ship the game.

This wouldn’t be too surprising, as early copies of Halo 4 also made it into the wild back in 2012.

60GB is a pretty hefty install size however, especially for the standard 500GB Xbox One models.

Related: Halo 5 Preview

Microsoft has announced a number of Xbox bundles planned for Holiday 2015 that will ship with a 1TB hard drive, including a Fallout 4 bundle.

Halo 5: Guardians will be the first title in franchise history to not support split-screen multiplayer, opting instead to focus on performance and visual fidelity.

However, Halo 5: Guardians will include some new, interesting and ambitious multiplayer modes, including a brand new mode called Warzone.

The Xbox Elite Controller will launch alongside Halo 5, a new and improved Xbox One controller designed with customisation and multiplayer gaming in mind.

343 Industries has a considerable amount of post-launch content planned for Halo 5, including free DLC maps and additions to the new Forge Mode.

Halo 5: Guardians will launch on October 27 exclusively for the Xbox One.

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