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The Division 2’s day one patch is coming and it’s absolutely massive

Ubisoft has detailed the day one patch and install sizes for The Division 2 across PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Physical disc owners of The Division 2 can look forward to a lengthy installation process thanks to a 90GB install on PS4 platforms alongside a hefty 90GB download at launch.

‘Expect a 88-92 GB download, depending on your region and preferred language. Whether installed from a disc or downloaded digitally, the final HDD install size will be between 88-92 GB,’ reads the official support page.

Related: The Division 2 System Requirements

It appears, regardless of whether you buy The Division 2 physically or digitally, you’re still required to download the entire game, which is a bit of a nuisance if we’re honest.

Xbox One and PC players “can expect a 48-52GB download,” meaning they aren’t suffering as much as those on PS4. It’s unclear why the latter platform’s patch is so much bigger.

The Division 2 is set to launch across all platforms on March 15, so you might be waiting for a few downloads to finish before sinking into things this weekend.

We’ll have a full review coming alongside the release, but for now, here’s a glimpse at our time with the closed beta:

‘Tight gunplay, excellent customisation and tantalising end-game possibilities paint a pretty picture for The Division 2, although it will have plenty of competitors to fend off in the coming months. From what I’ve played, it definitely stands a chance of being something great.’

Are you ready for The Division 2’s day one patch? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter @trustedreviews.


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