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Cyberpunk 2077 could receive more downloadable content than The Witcher 3

CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 will be receiving an assortment of free and premium downloadable content following its vanilla release, so much so it could even surpass The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Speaking to investors during a recent conference call, CD Projekt Red expanded upon what players can expect when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 and post-launch content: 

“Yes, you can expect a similar path [to The Witcher 3] after release,” CDPR president Adam Kicinski said. “You can expect more, actually. We’re not going into too many details today, but everything will be clear before release.”

“As we are close to the release, expect the post-release plans to be revealed fairly soon; a series of free DLCs and expansions will be described – as I said, you can expect it fairly soon and then everything will be made clear.”

Related: Upcoming PS4 Games 

For context, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received two major expansions (Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine) and 16 pieces of minor downloadable content, with the latter collection of items and updates being available for completely free. It was a mighty generous campaign of additions, which added so much to the overall experience. 

We imagine that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a duo of major expansions alongside some free content packs for good measure, and with the knowledge that some form of multiplayer is in the works, there’s always a chance this will come into the equation further down the line. 

Here’s what we thought of the upcoming blockbuster in our recent preview: “Cyberpunk 2077 continues to look like a phenomenal RPG experience, with CD Projekt Red keen to push forward benchmarks in open-world design, storytelling and the importance of creating your own character.”

The game itself will be launching for PS4, Xbox One and PC on November 19, 2020.  Next-gen versions are also in the works for the sci-fi RPG and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. 


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