Elite Dangerous coming to Xbox One this summer

Microsoft has confirmed Elite Dangerous is coming exclusively to Xbox One this summer.
Making its first console debut, Elite Dangerous will arrive on Xbox One exclusively.
“It’s a game I’m incredibly excited to play and launch on Xbox”, said Phil Spencer, Xbox boss.
“It’s a great game to come to console and we’re incredibly excited to partner with Elite on this game”.
Currently Elite Dangerous is only available to play on PC, but Microsoft and Frontier have partnered to bring the space exploration sim to console with this Xbox One port.
Microsoft has promised that we’ll hear more about the Elite Dangerous port at some point in the very near future.
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There’s no word as to when it will land apart from a loose summer release date or whether the Xbox One version will have some exclusive content.
Elite Dangerous is a vast space exploration game that has a huge fanbase on PC and Oculus Rift.
It will be interesting to see how well the game translates to Xbox One, especially as the best way to play it is with a full flight stick set-up.
We’ll keep you posted as and when we find out more about Elite Dangerous on Xbox One.