‘We haven’t scratched the surface of MMO potential’ says Entropy designer

Despite widespread suggestions that traditional MMO games are on the decline, a leading designer has suggested ‘we haven’t scratched the surface of MMO potential’.
A genre still dominated by the likes of World of Warcraft, the MMO space has received criticism recently for becoming stagnant and repetitive. However, with new offerings on the horizon and a blurring of boundaries in the gaming sector, it has now been claimed that the MMO market still has a lot to offer.
“The MMO market is still an incredibly viable space,” Andy Butcher, Lead Designer on Artplant’s new space-based MMO Entropy said speaking with TrustedReviews.
He added:
Although conceding that tradition MMOPRG offerings are in something of a rut, Butcher suggested that the market is evolving according to make up for this.
“The traditional MMORPG is in something of a holding pattern at the moment,” he told us. “I think, honestly, that WoW’s 800 pound gorilla has had something to do with that.”
He added: “We are finally beginning to see games which aren’t just MMORPGs, we are seeing games which are set up as MMOs but don’t have those classic RPG mechanics.
“We are going to see more games that use ideas and elements from other genres and put them together into something new. I think it is very exciting.”
Entropy is a new sci-fi MMO from the company behind the Battlestar Galactica. Looking to shake up the MMO space, the game focusses on freeform gameplay and large-scale combat – all from the comfort of your spaceship’s cockpit.
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