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The crazy tech behind THAT Game of Thrones season finale revealed

The special effects company tasked with blowing up half of King’s Landing during the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale has revealed how it was done.

In a blog post and VFX reel posted you YouTube this week, Rising Sun Pictures, revealed the painstaking work went into envisioning and destroying the Great Sept of Baelor.

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The company, which had not worked on GoT before season 6, had to digitally recreate the locations, which are based on Dubrovnik on the Adriatic in Croatia.

A lot of our early work involved wide views of the city, as well as internal and external views of the Sept (which is based on Fort Manoel in the Maltese town of Gżira),” said VFX producer Richard Thwaites.

It also created the animated digital crowds, representing the devotees of the High Sparrow.


Within the post RSP explained how it achieved the signature green colouring of the wildfire and the harrowing (if slightly pleasing) imagery of it tearing through the High Sparrow himself.

“It’s a fully digital replacement,” said Thwaites. “It has muscle, skin, bones and internal organs…all of which blow up in just a few frames.”

“The fire works its way through his body in layers,” VFX Supervisor Hubert Maston adds. “You see his skin peeling off and bones breaking off. It was pretty gruesome but a key moment for the final episode in the season.”

You can see the incredible VFX reel in the video below.

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