Sony to partner with broadband providers to offer PS4 gaming packages
Sony has confirmed that it will partner with European broadband providers to offer exclusive gaming packages and PS4 bundle deals.
Announcing partnerships with the likes of Virgin Media,
Offering few concrete details on the broadband based gaming partnerships, Sony has stated that the deals will include a variety of internet service providers including Orange and Ono. Ryan added that further ISPs and details will be announced in the coming weeks ahead of the PS4 release date.
“We’re delighted to say Virgin Media is Sony’s PlayStation 4 UK ISP partner for its hugely-anticipated launch later this year,” an official spokesperson for Virgin Media added. “We’re already hard at work with them to make this the best entertainment experience for gamers across the country.”
They added: “What does that mean exactly? Well, there’s going to be loads of exciting benefits for our customers but we have to keep the details under wraps for the time being. Watch this space for more details.”
Although details on the deals are still sparse, Ryan has stated that those making use of the PlayStation enhanced gaming broadband options will be able to pick up the upcoming PS4 or PS Vita at discounted prices.
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