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New Star Wars: Rogue One trailer no-shows, but this FX reel makes up for it

Many Force fans expected a new Rogue One trailer at the Star Wars: Celebration event in London. Like Han Solo on the bridge above the reactor chasm, they didn’t get what they wanted.

However, this VFX reel showcasing the various effects, practical sets and physical locations used to shoot the forthcoming movie might actually be cooler.

Related: Watch the first Rogue One trailer here

While it’s not a trailer per se, the behind-the-scenes reel introduced by director Gareth Edwards, does show a host of unseen footage and locations amid the making-of awesomeness.

While we don’t have a new trailer to analyse, there was the release of an official poster for the first Star Wars movie that will not feature the Jedi Knights.

Rogue One will hit cinemas on December 16, 2016.

Have you been down to the ExCel in London to join in with the celebrations? Share your findings in the comments below.

Rogue One poster

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