Jason Bradbury: Coding in school is a waste of time

The Gadget Show host Jason Bradbury believes the UK government is wasting its time trying to introduce coding lessons into schools.
“My kids won’t need to code because soon computers will just code for them,” Bradbury told us. “I fundamentally disagree with the government initiatives to get my kids coding. It’s a complete waste of time.”
“Soon startups will just be run by really creative people – there won’t be a coder with bad social skills stood on the stage. The future will just be about being creative. This is why we need to challenge STEM and introduce an art component and rename it STEAM – science, technology, engineering, art and maths.”
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Bradbury went on to describe the SAM Labs system as “a perfect example of this prediction that coding will not exist in the future.”
“I bought a big box of SAM Labs kit. My kids can come in here and decide to make a device where if my son squeezes his teddy he will send me a tweet to say, ‘I love you.’ Or if you walk through a laser tripwire it will set off an alarm. It interacts with actual hardware, actual code and all it requires is a squeeze, a drag-and-drop and a little imagination.”
You can see Jason Bradbury at The Gadget Show Live 31 Mar – 3 Apr, or on The Gadget Show on Channel 5 (available on catch-up).