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GTA Online Lowriders update now available

GTA Online just gets bigger and better, with the Lowriders update launching on Xbox One, PS4 and PC today.

The online component of GTA 5 just got a brand new update, and the DLC is called Lowriders.

Available across new-gen consoles and PC, the DLC introduces the car customisation garage – Benny’s Original Motor Works – and other new vehicle-themed content.

Benny’s specialises in custom Lowriders, and will modify select vehicles including two brand new rides. These are the Declasse Moonbeam van, which allows for two-handed weapons to be fired from the back doors, and the Willard Faction.

You’ll also be able to pimp out four classic vehicles that are already available within GTA Online.

Modifications up for grabs include the ability to tweak hydraulics, engines, steering wheels, rims, tires, gear shift levers, horns, bobbleheads, rear window plaques, vanity plates and plate holders, soundsystem mods, custom paint jobs and much more.

You’ll also be able to tackle eight new Contact Missions for Lamar, who is hatching a scheme to rule the Lowrider scene in Los Santos.

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There are three new adversary modes too, which go as follows:

  • Keep the Pace: You’ll need to stay above a minimum speed while racing around obstacle courses. Slow down to much and you’ll explode. Hey, that sounds familiar…
  • Offence Defence: Teams of two split into Runners and Protectors. Runners need to be the first to get to the end of a route, while the Protectors must block and run the opposing Runners off the road. Of course, they’ll need to protect their own Runner too.
  • Relay: A Sports Day relay race, but with cars.

There’s a tonne of other content coming with the update too, including new clothing and accessories, freemode weapon pickups, changes to performance mod unlocks, destroy last place, extra weapons in the creator mode, a quick ammo restock option, a new pearlescent crew colour, new player actions and even updated mouse controls.

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