Google Play Store will now suggest you delete unused apps

Got a full phone? You’re not the only one. Most smartphone users are constantly engaged in a life or death battle for the hard drive of their device, and it seems Google is joining the fight against unused apps, by stepping in to suggest you delete unused apps hogging your phone’s memory.
A new feature coming to the Google Play Store will see the app marketplace suggest you remove apps you’re not using to free up space on your phone. It’s an altruistic act as, at the time of writing, I have 30 games I’ve not played in over a year on my phone weighing it down with all that data.
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Google Play Store will soon start sending you notifications telling you to “delete unused apps for extra storage”, and from there you can click on the message to be taken to a window full of apps you’ve not opened in some time.
This digital shaming should let you see the applications you’ve not opened in a while, and then you can purge them with laser precision with just a few prods of your mighty fingers. It could help you out with cancelling any apps you’ve got active subscriptions for, too.
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While you do it, the Play Store will let you know how much space the rogue apps are taking on your machine, so you can know how much you’ve liberated. All the better for storing an untold number of Spotify playlists on your phone.