FIFA Soccer 13 lands on Windows Phone 8 as Nokia Lumia exclusive

Is isn’t very often that Nokia Lumia owners can boast of playing a AAA mobile game that Android users cannot, but today is one of those days.
Yes, FIFA 13 from EA Sports has arrived on Windows Phone 8 as an exclusive for Nokia Lumia handsets.
The game launched on iOS in September last year, while Android fans have been kept in limbo over a potential release date ever since.
Indeed, with Android users still waiting for an update on FIFA 12, it seemed unlikely that EA would bestow its top title on those frequenting less-popular Windows Phone platform, but it has, somewhat surprisingly, come to pass.
The Xbox Live-enabled game arrives packing action from 30 leagues, with 500 licensed teams, 15,000 real-life players and 32 stadiums. It boasts the same touchscreen control system as the vastly-improved iOS app, but unfortunately there’s no online multi-player mode in this version.
As we mentioned above, the game is limited to Nokia Lumia phones running Windows Phone 8 and it’s unclear whether Microsoft will open it up to HTC and Samsung handsets in the future.
Judging by the comments on on the popular WMPowerUser site, upset by to ‘yet another Lumia WP exclusive, Microsoft might be wise to share the love with other manufacturers soon.
One such user, posting as ‘Oliver’, said it was “really starting to get on my nerves. So anticompetitive in an already niché market… Why spend money to make things worse for Windows Phone, when you’re betting your entire business on it? It’s not like Nokia get it before Android/iOS, they’re actively driving out other WP manufacturers. Which is ridiculously foolish…”
For those lucky few with Lumia handsets, the app costs £3.99 and is available to download now.
Via Engadget