Fallout 4 will have dedicated Remote Play controls on PS4

Fallout 4 will have specific remote play controls on the PS Vita, Bethesda has announced.
Fallout 4 is only a few weeks away, and Bethesda continue to tease us with small details about the title.
Bethesda tweeted yesterday that Fallout 4 will have dedicated remote play controls if you happen to stream the game from your PS4 to a PS Vita.
The remote play controls were designed by Josh Hamrick, a former Bungie employee. He was part of the development team that worked on Destiny’s remote play controls.
He says on twitter: “A minor contribution to an excellent game. I was happy to help with this & I’m honored to be part of this team.”
Related: Fallout 4 release date, news, rumours and trailers and what we’d like to see
This is a lovely little touch if you’re a PS Vita fan, or an avid user of the PS4’s remote play function.
We’ve only seen a handful of games boast dedicated controls for the feature, and Sony seem to be pushing it far less than when the PS4 launched back in 2013.
Last week Microsoft announced a Fallout 4 bundle for the Xbox One, which includes copies of Fallout 4, Fallout 3 and a 1TB hard drive.
Bethesda has released yet another S.P.E.C.I.A.L trailer, this one focuses on agility, and the kind of perks you can expect from the agile skill.
Fallout 4 will launch on November 10 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.