Boston Dynamics’ new robot is your ultimate moving buddy
Boston Dynamics is showing off another robot, an autonomous robot called the Handle designed to autonomously work in warehouses.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Handle, a wheeled robot designed to shuffle boxes about the place, but last time we saw the robot bouncing around to show how agile it is, here we’re seeing a bigger Handle lad working autonomously to actually move bits around.
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Supposedly, all of the boxes in this video weigh around 11 pounds, and the robot can handle around 33 pounds (three boxes). Still, I worked in a warehouse for a bit growing up, and it’s hard to imagine most warehouses ever being in a state that a robot could work in them: there’s often obstructions and piles of stuff littered everywhere. I’d be interested to see how the Handle deals with errant boxes, or corridors a little too narrow for the Handle to engage in its full range of motion.
Supposedly, the robot will be able to track marked pallets, and can grab a box of any side as long as it doesn’t go past the 33 pounds (15kg) weight limit.
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Still, the speed at which the Handle is whipping around the warehouse, counterweight swinging, is impressive, and it’s a strong reminder that our new robot overlords are coming, and Boston Dynamics is definitely functioning as this universe’s Skynet.
What do you reckon on Boston Dynamics’ latest robot? Scary? Useful? Scary and useful? Let us know on Twitter, we’re at @TrustedReviews