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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate confirmed, set in Victorian London

The next Assassin’s Creed game has been confirmed, with Assassin’s Creed Syndicate to be set in Victorian London.

Focussing on a new assassin, Jacob Frye and his twin sister Evie, Syndicate is based in 1868 and will see more close-quarters combat paired with a new traffic system and gameplay options.

“Jacob is a born and raised assassin,” developer Ubisoft said of the upcoming game’s lead protagonist.

They added: “He is all about the thrill, he is all about the chase. Evie is the twin sister of Jacob. She is going to guide Jacob.”

The game has been previewed ahead of a global release this October on Xbox One and PS4.

Having shown off a series of pre-alpha footage, Ubisoft has confirmed that Frye will benefit from a range of weaponry, including a curved Kukri knife, a Victorian revolver, brass knuckles and a hydraulic Assassin Gauntlet.

Built around the industrial revolution, Syndicate will see Victorian London immortalised in game form, with our nation’s capitol split into seven boroughs.

It is a completely new Assassin’s Creed. It is respectful to the franchise but offers new gameplay options,” the developer said.

Discussing the game, an official Ubisoft spokesperson stated: “We are making combat much more closer range than ever before. We are making combat much more like a brawl.”

They added: “Syndicate’s traffic system is going to open up far more gameplay options. Trains and carriages will let gamers travel throughout the city.”

Best Games 2015

Syndicate, which has been development for the past two years, will launch for Xbox One and PS4 on October 23.

The game’s PC release has been pegged simply as ‘autumn 2015’.

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