
How to use Magic Editor on the Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro

To begin, unlock your phone so you’re looking at the home screen.
Unlock the Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro
Next, open the Photos app. In the image below, the Photos app is situated in the right corner of the dock and has an icon that looks like a flower.
Open Photos
Once in Google Photos, find the image you want to work on with the Magic Editor. Tap on the image to open it.
Select your image
With the chosen picture open, tap on the Edit button.
Tap Edit
Once inside the Edit screen, a new icon will appear that looks like a photograph with a colourful overlay. You can see it in the image below. This is the Magic Editor button – tap it.
Tap on the Magic Editor button
Select what you want to edit
Once the Magic Editor button has been tapped, a new screen will appear. For this tutorial, we’ll be enlarging a dog. Tap on the subject to get going. You could also tap on other areas, like the sky.
Once you’re happy with the changes, tap the colourful arrow in the bottom right corner to generate the image.
Tap the arrow to complete
Tap the tick to confirm
Once the image has finished generating, you’ll see a preview. If you’re happy with the results you can tap the tick and it’ll save the image into your library.