
How to limit the iPhone 15’s charge to 80%

Unlock your iPhone
To begin, unlock your iPhone so you’re looking at the Home Screen of apps.
Open Settings
Next, open up the Settings apps. This app has an icon that looks like a cog, you can see it in the image below.
Select Battery
Once you’re in Settings, scroll down to the option labelled Battery. Tap it.
Inside the Battery area in Settings, there’s another option called Battery Health & Charging. Tap this.
Tap on Battery Health & Charging
Choose Charging Optimisation
Inside the Battery Health menu there’s an option called Charging Optimisation. Tap on this and you’ll be given three options.
Hit 80% Limit
In the Charging Optimisation screen, you’ll get three options: Optimised Battery Charging, 80% Limit and None. Tap 80% Limit and your iPhone 15 will stop charging when it reaches 80%.