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You can’t escape selfie sticks in VR either

Facebook has revealed the world’s first virtual reality selfie complete with selfie stick.

At its F8 conference, the firm showed how an Oculus Rift headset could be used to paste VR avatars into any scene.

Then, complete with the much-maligned (virtual) self-portrait aid and smartphone, take a photo showing the scene in the background.

The tool enables users to meet up in the virtual world and take photos in front of historic scenes like Big Ben, which are available as 360-degree photos.

The avatars shown off at F8 are hardly lifelike, with the bobbing heads looking a little like the Nintendo Mii. However, all of this offers a little insight into Facebook’s vision for the Oculus Rift as a social tool.

“How’s that for social presence?” said Facebook’s CTO Mike Schroepfer during the presentation (via VentureBeat).

Just yesterday, Facebook announced plans for a new open-source 360-degree camera called the Surround 360.

The camera, which will cost around $30,000 to assemble, will make it easier to produce VR video content without all of the time-consuming processing.

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