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Xbox One getting voice messaging in April update

Microsoft has outlined some of the major additions to expect in the April Xbox One update, and one of those things is voice messaging.

Users of the Xbox One update preview programme are receiving these new features now, with a full roll-out set for the coming weeks.

The biggest new addition in this April update will be voice messaging – a feature that was part of the Xbox 360 package from launch, but which is only just now being added to its successor.

Xbox One users will be able to record vocal messages within the snapped messages app, and can then send them to friends. It’s even possible to share these messages with those aforementioned Xbox 360 owners.

Another addition that Major Nelson has outlined on his blog is dedicated servers for party chat, which should improve connection stability for party chats considerably.

Finally, Nelson mentions that Microsoft is continuing its experiments on the What’s One feature, which highlights popular videos, movies, TV shows, and game broadcasts. From this April update, however, those experiments will also be applied to us in the UK as well as the US and Canada.

Related: PS4 vs Xbox One

There are also a bunch of minor tweaks to the Xbox One UI, such as links through to game hubs, and more detailed achievements.

These and more improvements are rolling out to Xbox One preview program members now, and should open out to the rest of us soon.

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