Windows Phone to “upset the entire world” later this year

Microsoft has teased that something coming to Windows Phone later this year will “upset the entire world”.
It looks like there’s going to be some pretty huge news for Windows Phone fans and their devices later this year, according to a senior software engineer at Microsoft.
Speaking during the latest LockerGnome podcast, Jerry Berg, a Senior Software Development Engineer in Test at Microsoft, something “pretty amazing” will be announced by Microsoft at some point in the near future.
“Just wait for it, I can’t give a timetable, I can’t even tell you what it is, but something’s going to happen in the Windows Phone space that’s going to upset the entire world across everything,” said Berg, teasing a major new announcement.
Sadly, Berg failed to offer any details whatsoever on the Windows Phone announcement, and couldn’t even give a vague announcement period as to when we can expect to hear more about.
Just to tease fans though, he added “wait for it, it’s going to be pretty amazing”.
Microsoft let slip earlier this week that it is adding folder functionality to Windows Phone 8.1, letting you drag and drop Live Tile on top of each other, stacking them in one spot under a user created file name.
From the looks of the support page, which has since been removed, this is a feature coming with the next Windows Phone 8.1 software update, rather than something coming with the next full iteration of Windows Phone.
Although this is a welcome new feature for Windows Phone 8.1, we doubt it’s the world-changing new announcement that Berg is talking about.
Hopefully, Microsoft should give us some more information soon, but until then we’ll have to twiddle our thumbs with excitement.
Read more: Nokia Lumia 630 review
Head to 15m 30 for the teaser:
Via: TechRadar