Kodi box crackdown is essential, says former UK Secretary of State
John Whittingdale, the UK’s former Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, is calling for a clampdown on the fully-loaded Kodi boxes used stream premium films, sporting events and TV shows for free.
In a heartfelt column published on i News, Whittingdale revealed that more than half a million Kodi boxes have been sold in the United Kingdom in the last two years, concluding that “even if you’re not using one, you probably know someone who is.”
Whittingdale then went on to voice his belief that the illegal streaming of copyrighted content is tantamount to theft and is doing a huge amount of damage to broadcasters, content creators and rights owners, asking the British public to start taking a stand.
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The most interesting point Rittingdale raised is how the introduction of Kodi boxes has normalised the illegal act of piracy, eliminating the stress of having to navigate disreputable websites, which are often filled to the brim with misleading adverts.
It’s unfair to say that all Kodi box owners are in the wrong, though. By default, Kodi can’t access copyright-protected content. Users first have to install plugins, some of which come pre-loaded on fully-loaded systems, to tune into feeds hosting illicit material.
Do you think Whittingdale is right in saying accessing pirated content is tantamount to, say, stealing someone’s handbag or purse? Be sure to let us know over on Facebook or Twitter @TrustedReviews.