Ubisoft subscription service accidentally revealed

It wouldn’t be an E3 if something big and Ubisoft shaped didn’t leak, and with just two weeks before the company’s press conference on June 10, it seems the company’s own store has leaked the existence of some sort of subscription based service.
We don’t know much about it, beyond the name Ubisoft Pass Premium. The image was live on Ubisoft’s Uplay store for a short while being it was pulled from the service, and the best guess is that this premium pass is similar to EA’s EA Access which gives subscribers access to a wide library of EA games, including several days of early access before official releases.#
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The service was in the newly created Ubisoft Subscriptions category, and it’s worth noting that this category on the store was only recently created, and that Ubisoft has no existing subscription services, nor any games with a monthly subscription option.
The Ubisoft Pass Premium implies that there is also an Ubisoft Pass (not premium) so it’s possible we’ll see a couple of different tiers of Ubisoft Pass, giving you a variety of different tiers, depending on your financial buy-in. This could include new games, DLC or other exclusive benefits.
Past that, anything we write would be speculation. Ubisoft’s 2019 E3 conference would be a great time for something like this to be unveiled, whatever it is. The company currently have several ‘live games’ like Rainbow Six Siege, The Division 2 and For Honor which are constantly updated, supported by several big budget story titles.
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Expect any announcements at E3 to come sandwiched expect between Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, and probably information on some unreleased titles. Rumours suggest we’ll see a reveal of Watch Dogs 3, set in London, which I’d personally bet a fiver on.