Tinder cans video game inspired ELO, now judges you on how active you are

If you’re a Tinder user whose low desirability score is getting in the way of you actually scoring, rejoice. Tinder has chucked its old “ELO” algorithm in the bin, which placed a lot of emphasis on how desirable users were.
Tinder’s new algorithm is still largely under wraps, but it seems like a little bit of the old system with a healthy dollop of prioritisation based on how much you use the app. So, if you’re not getting matches, just start spending more and more time on Tinder obsessing about it and the app might judge you as more worthy.
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The algorithm, based somewhat on the ELO system seen in video games like League of Legends and Starcraft 2, was somewhat video game-esque in nature, and would see users given a bump to desirability if they matched with someone wh, themselves, had a high ELO.
Tinder doesn’t offer up a lot when it comes to their profiles. There’s a name which may or may not be accurate and if you’re lucky you might get a bio, but instead you’re more likely to get a photo of someone posing with a drugged tiger, imploring you to want them.
“Allow us to blow your minds,” says a blog post explaining the algorithm. “The most important factor that can help you improve your match potential on Tinder is…using the app.
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We prioritize potential matches who are active, and active at the same time. We don’t want to waste your time showing you profiles of inactive users. We want you chatting and meeting IRL. And there’s nothing better than matching and immediately striking up a conversation. Using the app helps you be more front and center, see more profiles and make more matches. This is the most important part of our algorithm — and it’s totally in your control.”
So, it seems Tinder is now trying to boost engagement, getting people to actually chat instead of swinging through a series of inactive photo galleries. Fair.
Use Tinder? Let us know what you think of the changes on Twitter at @TrustedReviews.