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Sun sets on Sunrise as Microsoft rolls calendar app into Outlook

Microsoft has announced a new version of its Outlook email app, which will fully integrate the Sunrise calendar app the company purchased earlier in 2015.

While that’s great news for current Outlook users, its unlikely to be welcomed by loyal Sunrise patrons as Microsoft will shutdown the app as soon as everything is integrated.

Microsoft purchased the Sunrise start-up for a figure rising about $100 million in February.

However despite handing over the reins to Redmond, TechCrunch sources claim the Sunrise team is none-too-pleased about the standalone platform being shut down.

Those popular features should reach new audiences as part of Outlook, with Microsoft claiming almost 30 million people are using the app on smartphone and tablets.

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In a post on the Office blog Microsoft said Sunrise officers a fresh approach to calendaring that will assist with the “deep expertise” in email and calendar.

The post from Javier Soltero Corporate VP of the Outlook team read: “Over the coming months, you’ll see richer calendar experiences come to Outlook from Sunrise—including Interesting Calendars and connections to your favourite apps and services.

You will also see improvements to Outlook’s ability to create meetings while on the go and handle meetings across time zones. All of this means Outlook will eventually replace the current Sunrise app.

“We will leave Sunrise in market until its features are fully integrated into Outlook, the exact timing of which we will communicate in advance.”

The new iOS app is out today, while Android users will get it early next month.

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