Starbucks app now names the songs getting on your nerves
Rather like its coffee, Starbucks seems to pride itself on the quality of the music it plays, when it really isn’t all that enjoyable.
Now, through it’s official app, the firm is helping you identify which artists are playing over its in-store music system (via Engadget).
Essentially, it has built a version of Shazam into its application, which will be available at the firm’s 7,500 US stores.
Just like the original music identification tool, the Starbucks app will enable users to add the song to a Spotify playlist.
As part of the agreement, Spotify users are able to access Starbucks musical playlists via the app.
A press release at the time also suggested Spotify users would be able to gain ‘Stars as Currency’ to put towards free drinks, but we’ve heard little about this since May.
See also: Can YouTube Music win over a Spotify die-hard?
The coffee giant’s affiliation with Spotify appears to have ended its long association with Apple.