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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic reboot is in the works – report

A new report has emerged which claims that a reboot of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is in the works at Electronic Arts.

Following the huge success of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order from Respawn Entertainment, it’s not a huge surprise that the publisher is beginning to realise the value of standalone solo experiences in the iconic universe. 

This new report comes from Cinelix, originating from a source who also accurately predicted the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV show’s existence earlier last year. So, they’ve got a track record when it comes to accurate leaks like this. Still take it with a pinch of salt, though. 

According to the source, a new venture in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe has been greenlit by Electronic Arts, and plans to “integrate elements from the first two games in order to bring certain things into the current Star Wars canon.”

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It seems that this won’t be a direct sequel to Bioware’s classic series, but instead a different take on the franchise which hurls it into a completely new direction. Chances are it will still be a vast, uncompromising RPG experience that genre veterans adore. 

The report doesn’t make it clear who is working on this rumoured project, and we’re unsure it will be Bioware given the studio is already working on both Anthem and the highly-anticipated Dragon Age 4, the latter of which we haven’t heard about in a long time.

We’d honestly love to see more gaming experiences like this in the Star Wars universe. Fallen Order earned 4/5 in our review, where we praised its satisfying combat, freeform exploration and surprising depth to its range of newcomer characters. Chances are a sequel for that will be coming our way, too.


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