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Star Wars Battlefront Bespin DLC will feature Lando Calrissian

Electronic Arts has revealed one of the Star Wars universe’s most iconic characters will be part of the forthcoming Battlefront DLC release, Bespin.

The expansion, which will be the second instalment for Season Pass holders, will take place in The Empire Strikes Back’s Cloud City and will feature Lando Calrissian as a new playable Hero character.

The Bespin update will feature four new maps for all of the most popular game modes, while an entirely new mode will also be introduced.

Joining Lando will be an additional imperial character with the bounty hunter Degnar joining the fray, who is a mate of Boba Fett’s, briefly seen in Episode V.

Gamers will also have the privilege of spending a little time in a carbonate chamber that almost did for Han Solo during the film.

See also: Can Star Wars Battlefront win over a campaign gamer?

In a post EA’s Star Wars site, Battlefront producer Craig McLeod wrote: “We’re taking players in and around Cloud City, with four new maps for all of our most popular modes.

“You’ll see AT-ATs in Cloud City, take to the skies in Fighter Squadron, and even spend time in a carbonite chamber. Of course, we’re also adding more blasters and Star Cards, a new game mode, and two new iconic characters we’re really excited about – Lando Calrissian and the cold-blooded bounty hunter, Dengar.”

Elsewhere, McLeod revealed there’ll be new Hutt Contracts and some specific activities planned for May 4th, commonly known as Star Wars Day.

“We also have a couple of surprises in store that we know our fans have been looking for,” he added, “especially those who have been clamoring for ways to have more options to enjoy Star Wars Battlefront offline. More to come soon.”

That last part might be hugely important for those who’re adverse to the multiplayer experience, for whom the game is all but useless.


Which other characters from the Star Wars universe would you like to see in Battlefront? Let us know in the comments below.

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