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Sony Xperia Z3 Android 5.0 Lollipop update is finally here

It’s happening, it’s actually happening – the Sony Xperia Z3 is now mere moments away from the long-awaited Android 5.0 Lollipop update.

Both Sony Mobile Indonesia and Sony Mobile France have revealed that next week will see the release of the Android 5.0 Lollipop.

This update is expected to roll out initially across just three handsets, namely the flagship Xperia Z3, the Xperia Z2, and the Xperia Z3 Compact.

We caught our first glimpse of Lollipop on Google’s Nexus devices back in September.

Google then outed its Android 5.0 source code over three months ago, but there was still no sign of the software on Sony’s wares.

Fast forward to last week’s MWC and the display Xperia Z3 handsets were all running Lollipop; a tantalising teaser of things to come.

Now, thankfully, it appears Sony is ready to push out the software to customers at large.

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We received a statement from Sony Mobile UK that read as follows: “The over-riding priority at the moment is to deliver a strong, stable update for the Xperia Z series – we’re in the last stages of testing and we’ll begin rolling out soon.”

The Android 5.0 Lollipop brings a raft of features including improved battery life, Google’s ‘material design’ aesthetic, and lock-screen notifications.

The update will also allow Xperia users to finally install apps onto a microSD card. Currently, SD cards are read-only except for Sony’s own apps.

We’ll update you when the update actually goes live.

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