Sony E3 2014 PS4 game lineup leaked with Uncharted 4 and GTA 6

The Sony E3 2014 PS4 game announcement lineup has been leaked online with big name reveals like Uncharted 4 and even Grand Theft Auto 6.
With only a month left until E3, there’s bound to be a few rumours emerging as to what the big names in gaming will announce.
According to a DualShockers source citing contacts within Sony Worldwide Studios and a secondary source for verification, Sony could pull some rather large and often unexpected rabbits out of the hat at E3 2014 for the PS4.
Half of the detailed report has been confirmed with two separate sources, while other fragments only have the word of one, albeit reliable, source to their name.
Of the leaked information that’s been doubly checked, is Uncharted 4 for PS4. Apparently Sony will unveil a 3-minute long trailer showcasing in-engine footage spliced with gameplay sequences.
The Uncharted 4 release date will also be announced, with an initial outline pegged for Summer 2015.
“It looks absolutely stellar. Features tropical setting and differing time periods with Nate/Francis”, said the source.
There will be a new title from Media Molecule, developer of games like Little Big Planet and Tearaway, especially designed as a landmark title for Project Morpheus.
“3D word building, beautiful, quirky visuals. Extremely creative and fun. Possibly related to the “Entwined” trademark filed last week by SCE. Late 2015.”
Guerilla Games has a new IP for E3, following on from its success with Killzone: Shadow Fall, but in the form of an RPG.
“Provocative setting – very interesting. Insane visuals as usual. A good reaction to the game is expected. Will please the hardcore.”
As for Sony Japan, the development studio apparently has “two, maybe even three” titles to show us at E3.
“Project Beast – spiritual successor to Demon Souls. The other is The Last Guardian. Retooled for PS4, possible Winter 2014 title. The other title is shrouded in secrecy.”
As for the other announcements, there could be a God of War 4 teaser, a PS4 Syphon Filter reboot, WipeOut title for PS4, new info on The Order: 1886 and a PS4 exclusive from Ninja Theory.
Sony London also apparently has a game to announce at E3, the studio’s first AAA title in many years and will be a third person experience.
Sucker Punch will have some Infamous: Second Son DLC to unveil, which could include a new setting and new powers for Delsin.
As for Quantic Dream, developer of Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain, supposedly it has a trailer prepared, but it could be pushed to GDC if Sony believes it has enough games to beat Microsoft’s press conference earlier in the day.
What could be interesting is that there is a rumour Rockstar Games may announce GTA 6 at E3, or get Sony to do it for them.
Read more: Best PS4 games