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Sony brands the Xperia Z3 ‘an iterative improvement’

The Sony Xperia Z3 was unveiled as the manufacturer’s latest flagship phone this week, just six months after the Xperia Z2 touched down. Now, Sony itself has admitted the phone is just ‘an iterative improvement’.

Having disappointed many with its lack of progression, the Xperia Z3 features the same screen, camera and storage options as its predecessor. The only significant hardware change is the negligible jump from a 2.3GHz to a 2.5GHz Snapdragon 801 processor.

Looking to justify the need for such a tight turnaround in flagship phones, Calum MacDougall, Sony’s Director of Xperia Marketing told us: “While I accept that this an iterative improvement, there are significant improvements across the board.”

He added: “The design, audio, screen, battery capabilities and, in particularly, the PlayStation abilities are going to bring something new and fresh.”

Although marginally slimmer and lighter than its predecessor, the Z3 is largely unchanged in looks from the Z2, or indeed the Xperia Z1. The phone has been bumped to a 2 day battery life, from 1.4 days, and will allow PS4 owners to play games through their handsets.

Despite admitting to the iterative nature of the Z3’s updates, Sony has remained adamant that its six months product cycles serve a purpose – for now.

“It is a year between iPhones but we bring devices over a shorter period of time,” MacDougall said.

“Of course that means the step up from product to product is not necessarily as big as you might see if you kept it over a year, but we still think and believe that we are bringing a strong enough story and experience to make it relevant.”

Are you impressed with the Z3 or have you been left underwhelmed by Sony’s latest flagship phone? Let us know via the comments section below.

Read More: Samsung Galaxy S6 release date

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