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Slingplayer app update brings live television to Chromecast

Slingbox users who add a Google Chromecast dongle into the mix can now enjoy live broadcasts on any TV.

Thanks to an update to the Slingplayer app for iOS and Android, streaming from Slingbox, to mobile app to Chromecast to television is now available.

For those unaware, the Slingbox is a device that plugs into the users home set-top box and enables them to access live television or DVR recordings over the internet wherever they roam.

Currently, Slingbox owners are restricted to watching their television content via mobile or web. This new addition means it can be sent via the app to any Chromecast compatible television or monitor.

“Every day, we hear your suggestions about how to make Sling better. Over the past few months, we’ve heard about one thing more than any other via your social media messages, emails and calls: Chromecast,” the company wrote on its official blog.

“We’re ecstatic to announce that Chromecast support has arrived for Slingbox M1, 350 and SlingTV/500 customers using the Slingplayer app on iPhone, iPad, and Android phones. Support for Android tablets will be rolled out soon.”

The Chromecast joins other Sling-supported video streaming devices like the Roku players and the Apple TV, but the Google-branded platform offers a cheaper and more compact option for travelers.

“We feel this will present a simple but powerful solution for our Sling customers who want to watch on multiple home TVs without setting up more than one set-top box, or would like to use Sling to watch their home content on a TV in a hotel, vacation home, office or anywhere else,” the firm added.

Via: Slashgear

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