Rockstar advises Xbox 360 GTA 5 buyers not to install second disc
Xbox 360 owners have been advised not to install the second disc for Rockstar’s new Grand Theft Auto 5 game, which goes on sale in the UK at midnight tonight.
Gamers must install the first disc in order to play the game, but have the option of installing disc 2 in order to run the game exclusively from the console’s hard drive.
However, Rockstar has advised that running both portions from the console’s storage unit will cause a system bottleneck, which results in the game’s visuals being significantly diminished.
Instead, the developer says users should continue to run the second “play” disc in order to play the game, removing the option for users to dispense of the disc and fan noise from the optical drive.
From it’s Rockstar Support Twitter account, the company tweeted: “For optimal performance, we recommend not installing that disc,” tweeted Rockstar Support.
Followed by: “An 8GB install is required. For optimal performance, we recommend not installing the play disc.”
An explanation for the problems was offered by the Digital Foundry portion of Eurogamer’s website, which has early access to the Xbox 360 version of the game.
The site’s Rickard Leadbetter said: “Based on what we’re seeing on the Xbox 360 version, perhaps running both DVD and HDD assets from just the one source slows down access times, impacting streaming performance. It’s not game-breaking stuff, but it does take you out of the moment when it does manifest and for that reason we can’t recommend installing the play disc.”
You can see evidence of the quality drop off in the comparison video below.
Are you heading down to your local game store to pick up the latest installment of Rockstar’s game-changing open world franchise? Better check out our official GTA 5 review.
Or, are you one of the lucky folks who received the game early from Amazon this weekend? Share your initial impressions in the comments section below.
Alternatively, still waiting for Rockstar to bring the game to the Windows platform? An online petition is gathering momentum.
Via Eurogamer