Rhapsody brings direct music streaming to Twitter app

Rhapsody has announced its vast collection of audio tracks can now be played directly through Twitter.
The music streaming service is making use of Twitter Cards to let users share songs with their followers (via Engadget).
What’s more, you don’t even need to have a paid Rhapsody account to share or stream the tracks.
This makes the move an incredible marketing ploy, especially considering latest figures reveal Twitter boasts upwards of 284 million monthly active users.
The audio-laden tweets are available to view on both iOS and Android in hopes that at least some of the users who play the tracks will wind up subscribing to the service.
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It’s part of Rhapsody’s ongoing marketing campaign to take on current market leader Spotify, a service that has significantly more users on board.
Ethan Rudin, Rhapsody’s Chief Financial Officer, said: “Music has always been a shared experience, but it’s become very personal and
Somewhere in the region of 30 million songs will be available to stream via Twitter, and Rhapsody is currently working with record labels to bring more music to the platform.
Unfortunately, the service is only available to US users at present, and we’ve no idea when it will roll out to a wider global audience.