Revealed: How The Last Jedi will tie into Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Earlier this year we learned Battlefront 2 will be the first Star Wars game to encompass all three eras from the historic movie franchise.
Now EA has released more information on where the the soon-to-be-released Episode VIII: The Last Jedi fits into the picture.
New content going under “The Last Jedi season” banner will begin to arrive on December 5.
On that date, players will be able to pick whether they wish to represent The New Republic or The First Order — the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.
Why is this significant? Because any rewards you earn for competing in the multiplayer tasks will be assigned to that side.
“Your choice of faction will continue to matter. Throughout December, you’ll see your chosen faction’s progress reflected in-game, as you fight alongside allies from around the world to swing the tide of battle,” EA says in a blog post.
Related: Star Wars Battlefront II preview
On December 13 — two days before the movie release — business really starts to pick up with the launch of free downloadable content.
The Finn Hero Card will become available to The Resistance, while Captain Phasma will arrive for those fighting for The First Order. They can be purchased with in-game credits during that week.
There’s also a new planetary map, featuring Crait from The Last Jedi movie. Meanwhile, Poe Dameron’s T-70 X-Wing will receive an upgrade that ties into the movie itself.
The Last Jedi season also includes another single player mission. Entitled ‘The Resurrection’, it will see the return of main game protagonist Iden Versio.
The mission will take place “during the days of the First Order’s rise to power,” according to EA.
Versio, if you recall, is the protagonist for the main campaign. She’s an Imperial Commander charged with carrying out the Emperor’s last orders, following the destruction of the second Death Star.
However, given the DLC story pertains to the rise of the First Order, we’re not sure how it relates to The Last Jedi. All will be revealed come December 13.
Will Battlefront 2 give us any late clues pertaining to The Last Jedi before it arrives in cinemas? Drop us a line @TrustedReviews on Twitter.