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PS4 games can now be pre-loaded

From today, new PS4 games can be preloaded on your console.

One of the big drawbacks with digital games – at least for the impossibly eager among us – is the time factor. It can take ages to download these multi-GB monstrosities, whereas a trip to your local game emporium to pick up a physical copy takes just 15 minutes.

Sony has just solved that problem for PS4 owners with a new automatic pre-load feature.

Over on the official PlayStation blog, it’s been revealed that ten of the titles that were shown off at last week’s E3 show will be there waiting for you to play come release day.

Automatic pre-load on PS4 allows you to download pre-ordered games before the release date, so you can get into your games after they’re released faster than ever,” reads the post.

You’ll be able to download and install digital copies of the latest PS4 games “up to several days in advance” of their release, which should account for even the slowest of connections.

The best thing is, you don’t even have to remember to initiate these downloads manually. “Any titles you’ve pre-ordered will be automatically pre-loaded and auto-downloaded to your PS4 system by default,” Sony says.

All of which is a neat way to push Sony pre-orders and digital downloads in one fell swoop.

The first title to take advantage of this feature will be Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark on June 24, which we suspect won’t be the kind of game that many people will be camping out for.

Still, any title made available for preorder on or after May 20 will feature this pre-load capability, and that includes a number of hotly anticipated games.

The likes of Destiny, Far Cry 4, LittleBigPlanet 3, Uncharted 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will all be sat there waiting for you on release day.

And PS3 owners needn’t feel left out – the feature is going to be available on Sony’s last-gen console too.

Read More: E3 round-up

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