PlayStation Plus October games annoucnement due Oct 1

Sony has hinted the PlayStation Plus October games selection will be announced on October 1, a little later than normal thanks to DriveClub.
As we near the end of September, PlayStation gamers will be eagerly awaiting the announcement of the PlayStation Plus games for October 2014.
Well, it looks like we could be in for a little wait, as according to Sony’s Fred Dutton, they won’t be revealed until October 1. That’s mainly because they won’t actually go live until October 8 to coincide with the October 10 DriveClub release date.
Speaking via the PlayStation Blog comments section, Dutton said:
Those au fait with the usual release schedule of PlayStation Plus titles will know that the free games usually arrive around the first Wednesday of every month, with games announced exactly a week earlier.
You get two free games each for the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, making six free titles in total for the £5.49 a month investment.
This month, it’s going to be a little different though, as PS Plus members will be getting the PlayStation Plus Free Edition of DriveClub as part of the free games package.
“DriveClub will be in addition to your regular PS Plus allocation. There’s loads of content included. Do try it out – I think you’ll have a great time with it, and at no additional cost to your wallet,” added Dutton.
This month we’re expecting a couple of big name launch titles to appear on the PS Plus roster for the PS4. We predict that you’ll get Knack or potentially Lego Marvel Super Heroes this month.
There’s also the possibility that Flower could arrive as a PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross-Buy title with the next batch of PS Plus games.
Read more: Best PS4 games