Number Five is alive… at least in LEGO form

Before there was Chappie and Wall-E and iRobot there was Number Five, everyone’s favourite crime-fighting robot from the Short Circuit movies.
Now, 30 years after the cult Steve Guttenberg and Ally Sheedy flick first hit screens, Johnny Five is back… in LEGO form.
Although it hasn’t been electrocuted and gained sentient thought just yet, this fan-made piece has has gained more than ten thousand upvotes on the official LEGO ideas page (via The Brick Fan).
Like petitions to parliament, crossing that threshold means LEGO now much consider putting Matt, aka PepaQuin’s, robot into production.
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Now the LEGO review board will examine the idea, build concept models and “determine whether the concept meets our high standards.”
Once the process, which lasts several months, is complete there’ll be a go/no go decision on whether it’ll go into production and be sold as a consumer product.