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Nintendo president plays down talk of a live-action Zelda series on Netflix

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has tempered talk of a live-action Legend of Zelda TV series by claiming recent speculation is wide of the mark.

During February the Wall Street Journal reported Netflix and Nintendo were developing an original series with characters based on those from the famous video game franchise.

Now the Ninty chief has told TIME that the report was “not based on correct information.”

However, the silver lining for Nintendo fans is that Iwata didn’t go as far as to say the show is definitely not happening.

He said: “As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films, but I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information.”

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The launch of a Zelda TV show would hark back to the days when the Super Mario Bros. franchise had both its own cartoon and really bad movie. However, the plumbers aren’t the only Nintendo characters to cross over into the real of television.

Donkey Kong Country was also a TV series from 1997-2000, a Mega Man cartoon ran in the mid 90s, while The Legend of Zelda cartoon ran for 13 episodes in 1989.

Do you think the classic Nintendo franchise would translate well into a live action show? Do you think it’ll ever happen? Let us know your thoughts below.

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