Nintendo NX name and release date could be revealed tomorrow – report

Multiple media outlets have claimed that Nintendo could be set to reveal the name and release date of the Nintendo NX tomorrow, ahead of E3 2016.
*UPDATE* Nintendo confirms NX release date, and it WON’T be at E3 this year!
Nintendo is set to hold a press conference and reveal its financial earnings for the previous fiscal year.
This release is rumoured (according to the Express) to reveal new information regarding the official name of Nintendo’s next console and also a potential release date, but we’re pretty sceptical.
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Of course these reports are to be taken with a sizeable pinch of salt. The fact that the Express nor any other outlet has named nor even linked to this mysterious source already raises suspicion.
With E3 right around the corner, it would be surprising for Nintendo to reveal such important information in an earnings call as opposed to a bespoke event or consumer-focused press conference.
While we expect some information to be revealed about the Nintendo NX during tomorrow’s earnings call, it is more likely that we will find out when a full reveal will take place, perhaps the date for Nintendo’s E3 conference, rather than any console-specific details.
Are you as sceptical of the rumour as we are? Let us know in the comments below.