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Minecraft for Oculus Rift is Microsoft’s new big push to get you on Windows 10

Microsoft has announced the Windows 10 version of Minecraft will soon be playable in virtual reality on the Oculus Rift.

In a post on the Xbox Wire blog, the firm said the rollout will happen in the next few weeks and will be free to those who already own the Minecraft Windows 10 edition.

Of course, Microsoft is also using this as a means of encouraging Oculus Rift owners to upgrade to Windows 10 before the free upgrade period ends on Friday 29 July.

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Jesse Merriam, Executive Producer for Minecraft wrote: “In the next few weeks, we are adding Oculus Rift support to the Windows 10 Edition Beta in a free update as our thank-you for your continued support over the past year.

“If you own Windows 10 Edition and an Oculus Rift, you can jump right in and experience Minecraft in a whole new way. And, if playing around with VR Minecraft sounds excellent to you and you haven’t upgraded your PC to Windows 10 yet, don’t worry- there’s still time.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time Minecraft will be available in VR. That honour went to the Samsung Gear VR through the Pocket Edition for Android back in April.

Today’s announcement marks the first anniversary of the Minecraft for Windows 10 beta launch. Microsoft says in that time Mojang has fixed 6,000 bugs and resulted in 15 updates with dozens of new features.

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